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You Can Develop Dry Eyes as Quickly As the Seasons Change

With the volatile weather, dry eyes can become prominent. Unfortunately, most dry eye goes diagnosed. This being said, it is important to treat the cause of dry eye before it becomes severe and turns into meibomian gland dysfunction, blepharitis, or demodex.

In the fall, the colder, drier air may be what’s responsible for dry eye symptoms. Other factors that can stir up dry eye symptoms during the fall months include airborne allergens like ragweed pollen and mold spores. Outdoor activities in autumn can aggravate reactions to allergens. Activities such as raking or blowing leaves and pulling up old flower beds can expose you to even more irritants. They can also send small pieces of plant material into your eyes, leading to not just itching and irritation but also, in some cases, painful infection. Do your best to avoid being outdoors if you know that air quality is low or pollen-heavy that day.

Finally, the air itself tends to be drier in the fall, both indoors and outdoors. Because insufficient tears cause dry eyes, unusually dry air inside or outside your home can exacerbate the problem.

If you have dry eyes, you do not have to suffer in silence. Fortunately, dry eye is a treatable condition. TearRestore is here for you. You can treat the cause of dry eye with the TearRestore heat mask and the HylaWipe ™.

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